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【评论】Life on High,High on Life

2012-12-27 11:00:30 来源:艺术家提供作者:Qiao Luqiang

  Artist Dong Fang was born to be wild. A native of Qinghai Province and graduate of the Art Academy of the People's Liberation Army in Beijing, the painter was looking for inspiration in April 2000. So, he hopped on his motorcycle and headed to Tibet.

  Dong ended up spending three years traveling to every corner of the roof of the world,living with it8 people and taking part in their daily activities.He captured hours of fa8cinating video footage of his trek,a living record of local culture,art, religion, customs and life.The experience a180 provided the in8piration for a great outpouring of more per8onal artistic creation.

  The Dao Pu Visual Arts Center is currently host to a show of over 20 of Dong's paintings and mixed media works crafted during his Tibet ventureB. They stand out, in part, because of the artist's use of unU8ual materials,such as ground coffee, powdered gold and emulsion paint.

  More outstanding, perhaps,are the themes. With these pieces, Dong seems to be asking such big questions as, "can people find a true environment of peace in a world full of anxiety, greed and hatred? Can nature inspire people to change, and can human really change their hearts and spirts?" While Dong may not have their answers, these pieces are sure to push viewers to do some soul-searching of their own.

  Where: Dao Pu Visual Arts Center, No. A 5, Nongzhanguan Beilu, Bejjing

  When: March 23 to April  1





